How to take literature notes from online sources

Literature notes plays an important role in how we gather information. Instead of copying something word by word, we take literature notes by writing our responses or our expression of what an author has tried to convey through his article.

For offline books, you can take it any piece of scrap paper and kindle has the option to make notes as you annotate something. While reading from a browser, we could use a webclipper such the ones from Evernote, Notion or Mark Download to capture everything from a website. But that is not what we are looking for. There is also, to manage your bookmarks and services like Liner and Instapaper to be used as a read later app and highlighter with note taking capacity. But they are paid option.

My requirement is to take notes right in the browser, while keeping the reference open. And I have found that the free extension Eloquent works perfectly for me. Eloquent lets you open up a mini window inside the browser and take the notes just like how you would do inside an outliner such as Logseq or Roam.

Once I take the notes, I will copy the content and create the note for it inside my private Zettelkasten system.

Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.